The Difference (Between You and Me)

I made this piece for the show recently at Old Bakery and Emporium Gallery in November, but never got around to talking about it here.  Now it seems more appropriate than ever. I have a friend that used to cut chrome pieces for a living and I had occasion to go through the “garbage” a couple of times. The treasures I found there were these beautiful “negative” pieces left after the decorative piece was cut away. There were two pieces in particular that were almost identical except for minute changes in the cut pattern. Almost immediately my inspiration came.


The Difference The Difference -Detail 2 The Difference -Detail 1


The representation of black and white could be anything – you are black and I am white, you are Christian and I am Muslim, I am hurt and you are my ex, etc.  The one thing about us that is different. But thanks to a lesson by a good teacher I came to know that if I search for what is the same about us, what we share, there’s a lot more substance there and I am no longer disconnected from you. So here’s the description for this piece:


I am white, you are black.
I suffer loss, you suffer loss.
I bleed red, you bleed red.
I cry, you cry.
I love, you love.
I get sick, you get sick.
I am afraid, you are afraid.
I will die, you will die.

This piece is for sale and  you may contact me for pricing information by clicking here.

2 Responses

  1. David Patten says:

    Profound inspiration for this creation! I like the way you think. Your painting titled ‘Waiting’ was one of my favorites at the Hunting Art show.

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